CND Pink Wishes

Please enjoy the following press release from CND!  I promise, when I hit the lottery, I'm buying ALL the "effects" from CND - they are all amazing!

Wish for Hope With CND

July 2011 - Every October, people all over the world come together to celebrate and give strength to brave women fighting breast cancer.  To embrace the spirit of unity, wear your pride on your fingers and toes with CND's Pink Wishes Colour & Effects Duo.

Pink Wishes Colour & Effects Duo
Pink Wishes Colour, a cotton-candy pink, layers beautifully with Pink Wishes Effect for a sweet, pale pink pearlescent sheen.

Includes a .33 fl oz bottle of Pink Wishes Colour and a .33 fl oz bottle of Pink Wishes Effect.

Suggested retail price:  $20.00 US / $25.00 Canada

Available for a limited time only in salons and professional beauty supply stores.  For locations, visit