Cosmoprof North America: The unofficial Blogger List

Cosmoprof North America Las Vegas starts THIS weekend and among the thousands of people showing up for the only all-compassing business to business beauty trade show even in North America are some pretty fantastic bloggers!  We will be tweeting, Instagraming, Facebooking, blogging and trying not to explode with all the awesomeness that will be showing, premiering and secretly releasing.

Please note that while several of us are listed as media partners on the Cosmoprof website but are not affiliated with Cosmoprof North America Las Vegas or the Official Beauty Blogger Central.

Make sure you check out the bloggers listed below and follow our Twitter list of bloggers here! (Thanks to Bottles & Bottles of Polish!  Just click "Subscribe" on the top left hand side)

Onto the bloggers attending! Some will be live blogging, others will be using their other forms of social media.