In 2011, Chalkboard Nails and other nail enthusiasts participating in a 31 Day Challenge and she had so much fun that she repeated the challenge in 2012. (See her 2011 and 2012 round up posts.) Well, when you're successful at something, you keep it going, am I right?
Starting tomorrow is the #31DC2013 by Chalkboard Nails. You can read all the details on her blog but the gist is follow the image prompt, post on your own social media, blog, whatever, and ENJOY! No real rules, you can post more than one per day, just have fun with it.
She has coined #31DC2013 so that you can search for all contributions - since Instagram, Facebook and Twitter all support hashtag searching, be sure to include it with your manicure.
I love the idea of trying this for my first nail challenge. Chalkboard Nails is super inspiring, both in her blogging and her blogging etiquette. (Yes, I did love her Twitter image so much that I was working on redoing my own Twitter icon but I haven't nearly gotten the time to finish it.)
For more Chalkboard Nails, you can also Like her on Facebook, follow her on Twitter, follow her Tumblr, follow Chalkboard Nails on Instagram, subscribe to her YouTube channel, add her to your Google+ Circles, AND she's on Pinterest. Do them all. I have spoken.
Edit: Other blogs I've found that are participating!
Edit: Other blogs I've found that are participating!