Ever After Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

I am such a sucker for holographic glitter. When I first saw Ever After Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, I just had to have it. This was a 2017 release along with 2 other polishes in a "Beatles" trio. This is a holographic glitter in a very light lilac base.

I started ILNP Lockup, 2 coats of polish and finished with ILNP Glass Candy. I really do love this polish but I think next time I'd wear a nude creme underneath to make sure there's no visible nail line under. Also it appears my lilac is a little blue tinged.

There's a lot going on here. It's hard to capture all the beauty of the holographic glitter in a still photo but it's really like crushed diamonds on your nails in real life. I am considering wearing this for 4th of July next month.

Ever After has closed and is no longer available for sale.