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American Apparel Dynasty

I kind of missed the American Apparel craze in my lifetime.  That's what happens when you live in a small city and well, we all like to eat BBQ and Mexican food (oh man, valley tacos are amazing).  In fact, American Apparel was just one of those things that didn't exist in my small world.  When they came out with their nail polish earlier this year (or was it last year?), I wasn't quick to jump.  Then all the bottles were recalled voluntarily, so I really wasn't jumping.

However, this past spring, I was at a very upscale mall with my Married Friends (as I call them) - E & B.  E (husband) gets slightly irritated with my nail polish collection and tells me I can't buy anymore, but it's nuts.  B was pretty fascinated by it, so HAH.

Anyway, we found an American Apparel, and I rushed inside to see if they had nail polish.  Now, I don't fit in their clothes.  Not even close.  Well, maybe I'd squeeze into an XL, but whatever.  Back to the polish.

I grabbed 3 bottles as they were 3 for $15, but that's about where my love affair ended.  They've just been sitting on my shelf.  The bottle is a bit awkward for me - it's very tall and slim but still the standard 0.5 Fl oz - tall bottles mean tall brushes, and I kept thinking I was somehow going to knock over the bottle when I'd pull the brush out, but we're okay.

Dynasty is a light purple, almost lavender creme polish that is pretty much my favorite color ever, so I was pretty excited about this color.  The formula wasn't too bad on it either - a little thin but not pooling into my cuticles.  

I used a base coat of Seche Natural, 2 coats of Dynasty, and a top coat of Seche Vite.

I feel that in the sun, on my nails, it turns into more of a mauve purple, but it's still a very pretty color.

Here in the shade it's kind of just there.  Nothing too special, but at the same time, a nice pretty color.  I think I was just so underwhelmed after wearing that crazy gold brown Wet n Wild.

American Apparel nail polish can be purchased in their stores or on their website [official website].