Showing posts with label Beauty Debutante. Show all posts

Beauty Debutante Posts

I recently had two more posts over at Beauty Debutante - one on a tanning lotion and another you've seen here on Polish Galore... a neutral nail polish ^_^  Please feel free to read, comment, share, and most of all, enjoy!

A Little Ramble

I don't have a nail polish swatch today (sorry!) but I have a bit of news.  My Dad is still in the hospital after finding a very bad infection in his big toe (yeah, he's diabetic) and he's having surgery later today to try and scrape all the infection out.  It's been an emotional roller coaster, but we're survivors.

On a totally different (happy) note, I got all my polish racks in!  However, I'm having the hardest time figuring out (a) where to put them and (b) how to organize my polish.  Because things are kinda up in the air at the moment, I'm kind of thinking about putting all 5 racks on my dining room table (since I haven't used it yet), and organizing the polish by brand first, then by color.  My Mom wanted to paint her toenails today and grabbed Zoya Posh, not knowing that it was a matte or that it was more pink than maroon (to her).  I had painted my toes with A Beautiful Life Hot Rod, and it's probably the first time I've painted my own toe nails in well over a year... while I don't go for manicures, I do adore pedicures.  

I have another post coming up on Beauty Debutante soon involving a self tanner and soon I will have skin care related posts as well.  I'll be sure to link you because I'm really excited about beauty blogging as well.  

I read a LOT of blogs, and so I would like to start sharing some of them with you each week.  I think I follow about 167 blogs at this point and not all are nail polish related.  Is that something you'd be interested in?

I got myself a small mini haul of OPIs from the website that I bought my polish racks from, and there is an Ulta opening "sometime this fall" in the next big town over (about 30~ miles northwest) so I'm excited to check that out.  I also have the Zoya Wicked/Wonderful collection and this scandalous bunch of polishes from Naughty Nailz coming up soon too.  My nails are still in need of some TLC - I have to be honest, I'm happy with my Dermelect Launchpad... I thought I broke my nail the other night but nope, it was intact and I was shocked.  It has lived up to being a nail strengthener.

As soon as I hit 500 readers (I'm currently at 466), I'm going to be holding a sponsored giveaway from China Glaze, and today I got a bonus prize in the mail.  In June, I was apart of the HBO True Blood Ultimate Fan Experience and got to represent San Antonio, Texas as the Sheriff.  Today, I got my "thank you" gift which was season 2 of True Blood on DVD... I'm going to be like a Maker (get the reference?) and gift it to someone because I bought the discs on Blu-Ray on pre-order about 6 months before it was available.  Unfortunately, it is a region 1 copy so that has to go to someone in the USA (and maybe Canada?).  I'll find out more later.

Well dear friends, I'm going to go finish my DVR list of shows - I'm absolutely in love with the concept of DVR.  I have about 3 or 4 more hours that I'd like to watch before I call it a night (hah), but tomorrow I plan to get that polish organized and get some swatching done!  Thanks for reading my ramble!

Beauty Debutante Blog

As I had mentioned previously, I am now apart of the beauty blog Beauty Debutante [official website].  I've been ridiculously excited about writing for them, and my first post came out yesterday on the brand (seed).  It might also be written SEED... it was both ways on their website and the paperwork I received ^_^

So please, do check it out ... Extra brownie points if you hit the "Like" button and/or leave a comment (I feel so loved!)

I have at least 2 more coming up soon... one on a tanning lotion and then today I hit the motherload of skin care products that have me all kinds of excited.