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Glitter Comparison

I have a problem with shiny objects.  I see all the glittery pretty objects and my mind goes to La La land.  I will almost always buy rainbow glitter nail polish, even though I have tons of it.  I haven't EVEN gotten to all the rainbow glitter polish that China Glaze came out with for the Specialty collection, also called Glitters and Cremes.  Oy.  Deliberately blurry picture ahead!

China Glaze Polar Ice is from aforementioned Specialty/Glitters and Cremes collection.  China Glaze Fairy Dust is from Fashion Fairy collection.  Cover Girl City Lights 430is apart of the Boundless Color and is considered a top coat.  It was made to replace the discontinued Cover Girl Continuous shade Quicksilver 130.  Finally, Savvy Femme Couture "Touch of Glitter" was at my local Sally's in their summer displays.  These were all under $5 (more like $3.50, but I can't find my receipts so I'm guessing).

I knew that trying to post these on the nail bare, wasn't going to work.  Instead, I took a single coat of CND Blackjack over Seche Natural, and then just one coat of each glitter.  Here's the result.

As you can see Polar Ice has this blue/green flash to it, with large square glitter.  Fairy Dust and City Lights are totally dupes - both have the same coverage, the same amount of glitter.  Touch of Glitter is horrible.  Very sparse glitter.

I really liked Polar Ice so I took a super macro shot for you.

Yay!  Ultimately, Cover Girl City Lights was cheaper than China Glaze Fairy Dust BUT I only found one bottle of Cover Girl City Lights in my whole town and I had to literally sit on the floor to find it.  China Glaze Fairy Dust is in CG's core collection at Sally's (which is also at eye level and higher at my store).  I am pretty frustrated with Savvy though.  I have another bottle of it up on my untries and I just want to chunk it.  What's your favorite glitter from my 4?  (PS: this is just 4 swatched... I have like 10 more rainbow glitters including a bar glitter.)