It may be spring but I love a good deep plum and today I have essie bahama mama which is a deep plum creme.
Showing posts with label Essie. Show all posts
Best lil' Nail Show Texas 2016
Last month, the Best lil' Nail Show Texas kicked off in Humble, Texas - just north of Houston. I first got wind of the show on social media and found their Facebook page. I asked if I could cover the show as press, and they allowed me to. Now this was a Pro Only - Cash & Carry type show which meant you had to be a licensed professional to get in, but you could buy from any of the booths available and most were offering deep discounts on their products. As media, I got a black band (no jokes on being black listed please) which signified that I could not buy product. My wallet rejoiced, my fingers did not but that's the life of an unlicensed "slightly obsessed with nail polish" blogger sometimes. I have worked with pro-only brands here on PolishGalore but we could talk all day about that topic.
We live about 4 hours south of Houston, so we drove up the day before and spend the night in Houston. Humble is a straight shot north, very easy to get to. When I got there, I had a surprise right at the door!
I tend to chop my head off apparently. @chickettes, @tenlittlecanvases and myself at @bestnailshowtxA photo posted by PolishGalore (@polishgalore) on
Yep that's Andrea from Chickettes and Kim from Ten Little Canvases! I met Andrea at Cosmoprof back in 2014 but this was my first time meeting Kim, who lives in Texas! It's always nice to put real faces to the blog.
We were allowed to go in the back door (and skip the crazy long line!) which opened directly to one of my favorites, CND! Y'all know that I have some love for Jan Arnold - she's always been so nice to me, despite the fact that I'm not a licensed professional. But what I was really excited about was the ridiculously crazy display of Creative Play.
That's 80 shades of brand new goodness - think of it as the little sister to Shellac. So you have Big Sister Shellac... 14 days wear, cure with a lamp, soak off. Then you have middle sister Vinylux - 7 days wear, air cure with sunlight, remove with polish remover. This is little sister Creative Play - less than weekly wear, good for retail, no curing, great for changing your polish every few days. Now, don't think that it ONLY lasts a few days - it does last as well as you keep it, but the price point is such that you can buy many bottles at once. The formula is also a little different, but more on that because I got some straight from CND (not from the show!) to play with. The bottom row also has CND's Creative Play Base Coat and Top Coat.
Drool - just shelves of Vinylux to play in.
These were the looks created with the CND Summer 2016 Flirtation collection.
Jan Arnold's look for the show created with AthenA Rocks. The hand showing off the look is from Heather Davis, CND Educator - Heather and Shelena Robinson (another CND Educator) created this look dubbed a #Janicure. More on what Heather had in another blog posting.
So the big excitement at the show was CND's #CutTheCord - they had over 800 lamps ready to give away and it went pretty well. Of course, some people cheated the system, and were caught, but overall it was very civil and people behaved. Now, I assumed this is in response to the incident that happened... If you don't know what I'm talking about, Manic Talons had a very extensive write up here.
Being that this was a Pro-Only, Cash & Carry show, there was a lot of things that I wasn't able to fully partake in. Some of the booths were ridiculously busy, and didn't have a media representative to talk to me. Other booths didn't really know how to work around me, as they were helping paying clients. This is much different than Cosmoprof North America - which is a business to business show, no purchasing (although that in itself has evolved too), and media plays a larger role. I hate that I didn't get to talk to some of the bigger brands there like Tammy Taylor or ORLY, but it helps me with a game plan for 2017, if I'm able to return.
I did try to start at the front of the show, and make my way down the aisles. Around 1100 people showed up to the ballroom on Sunday - the other show days were filled with technical classes for the licensed professionals, which from what I can see on Instagram, were amazing.
At the front of the show was amazing nail creations in a contest sponsored by 3D Fanatics - a group of Licensed Nail Technicians on Facebook who share their love of 3D Nail Art, founded by Nail Tech Kimberly Harr who was on site judging the creations. The prompt "Stars of Texas" was given, and there were two types of entries - OT were for those who had won 1st Place in the past and GH were the newbies who may have won other places in competitions but never first. I really liked this set about Miranda Lambert which ended up winning 1st Place in the GH (Green Horn) category.
SO SMALL WORLD MADE SMALLER. This set belongs to fellow blogger & licensed tech Amber Dunson from AmberDidIt! Amber and I have a mutual friend - Destany from Confessions of a Sarcastic Mom - and Amber found me as I was getting ready to leave the show so we had to take a photo.
At the next aisle, I was able to speak to proTIPCLIPS, an easy removal system for all types of nail enhancements. Now the big plus here is that the stainless steel and high grade plastic can be cleaned in an autoclave, which is required by some states for salons to use for sanitation of equipment. Kick the foil system to the curb. Now, y'all know I love my Steam Off for my nails, but I couldn't use it on toes so this is where proTIPCLIPS really sold me - there's a set for nails and a separate set for toes that are slimmer and shorter. I know of a few people who would buy these without a second thought. I'm also a sucker for a story and the master nail tech, educator and veteran salon owner, Angela Blaisdell created this product after going through hundreds of dollars in foil wraps for her clients. She tested the final product for over a year before selling to the public and she was busy every time I walked by.
I had a fan girl moment at Crystal Ninja. I've been drooling over Kellie's items since I saw her at Cosmoprof North America last year and she handed me her flip book of products. She is a Swarovski Authorized Instructor and I'm a Swarovski Christmas Ornament Super Fan and just lover of all things sparkly. (Seriously, I'm only missing 3 of the original ornaments but have the rest carefully stored in my house.) I want to buy her Crystal Katana (Mixed Media Pick Up Tool) for my crafty items here at home but as a nail tech? Man, I'm not sure I could do crystal, rhinestone, gemstone placement without one.
I swiveled around the aisle to see Dazzle Dry in action doing a manicure on a woman who looked familiar but I couldn't place her right off.
A photo posted by PolishGalore (@polishgalore) on
So Dazzle Dry - I've seen it advertised in NAILS magazine but I haven't really seen the product before. Turns out it's a very salon prestigious company, with 196 core and 4 seasonal collections (6 piece sets). The shimmers are made with pigments because this is a 6 free, non-yellowing, vegan, no animal testing, YOU NAME IT line. For Dazzle Dry, it's all about science, quality control, and care - care for the product, care for the consumer, care for the earth. They have a great lemongrass remover enhanced with essential oils but wait, there's also a non-acetone version called Vivo'Sol that has spearmint and eucalyptus oils. Their Nail Prep is not dehydrating. They say their top coat is 5 minutes to totally dry. I can literally go on and on.
But what really had me excited were these Mini Kits that were available. A great stocking stuffer, Secret Santa, just all around great gift for $20 - the Mini Kit has a Nail Prep, Base Coat, Top Coat and a color. More on that to come.
Dazzle Dry is committed to their product and while they sell to consumers on their website (YAY) and wholesale to salons and spas, you're not going to see this end up in your local drugstore or other brick and mortar store. I have a love/hate with stores because that means you have to find one to go into, but I also like holding product in my hand - like this polish.
I totally didn't get the name of this polish written down and I love it but looking on their website, I can't tell what color it is. Monitors only reflect so much, you know?
Speaking of NAILS Magazine, I was so happy to run into Sigourney Nunez, Associate Editor. I met her a few years ago, before she got her professional license, but just hadn't had a chance since to see her. It's always so much fun to run into people who just love nails.
I was able to stop at Essie as well and talk to Gino Trunzo, Director of Education. He did two amazing things - one, he introduced me to the new Apricot Cuticle Peel, which I'm now obsessed with and want to buy immediately. And secondly, he let me try a top secret product which isn't launching for a couple of months. Now, I know that other publications have been given the green light to talk about this delightfully twisted product, but I have not, so sorry PolishGalore readers - you're kept in the dark for now until I'm given the go. Just let me say that Gino was so proud of it - 3 years in the making he said, and I was pretty happy with it too.
A photo posted by PolishGalore (@polishgalore) on
I also got to check out the 1000th Essie Shade from the 2016 Shimmer Brights Collection called "Aim To Misbehave". This yellow has a shimmer in it to make it more opaque (because if you read this blog, you know how much I hate yellow because it's normally a streaky mess). I may have to check it out for opaque testing.
A photo posted by PolishGalore (@polishgalore) on
I stopped by China Glaze next and you KNOW they are my first love in polish but unfortunately everything was just lined up for selling and no one was really available to talk.
A photo posted by PolishGalore (@polishgalore) on
Summer Favorites which still need to come home with me.
Both EverGlaze and Gelaze were available for purchase as well.
While there was still more show going on, we had to head back home and I was starting to get a nasty sinus infection, so I had to say goodbye and head out the doors. Overall, I enjoyed the show and meeting up with the different brands that I was able to, and I look forward to seeing more from the Best lil' Nail Show Texas in 2017!
LOOK Style Society Partners with Essie to Open Las Vegas Flagship Location
In just 45 days, I'll be basking in the Las Vegas sun and I'm wondering if I can sneak away to check out the city's first essie Nail Lounge inside of Town Square Las Vegas!
For more information, please enjoy the following press release.
essie The More The Merrier
I had this weird desire to buy all the polish last summer and got some rather unique colors from the Summer 2013 collection by essie - mainly this yellow green creme called The More The Merrier.
I used a base coat of Cult Nails Get It On, 2 coats of polish and a top coat of Digital Nails Ain't Nobody Got Time For That. The formula was great - no pooling, opaque in 2 coats, no streaking and thankfully, no staining.
It's a bizarre little color - not quite yellow, not quite green. Reminded me a bit of a Granny Smith but more yellow.
Fun eh? This is definitely an all seasons polish for me.
You can purchase essie in a number of locations for $8 a bottle; check out their website for more. You can also like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, follow them on Tumblr, follow them on Instagram and follow them on Pinterest.
Essie Sunday Funday
Ever since Essie went retail in November 2010, I've been itching to pick up bottles here and there. When the Summer 2013 Naughty Nautical collection was announced, I couldn't help but pick them all up. While playing "pick a random bottle of nail polish to wear" in July, I grabbed Sunday Funday, a coral polish with microglitter silver shimmer to it.
I used a base coat of Cult Nails Get It On, 2 coats of polish and a top of Digital Nails Ain't Nobody Got Time For That. The polish wore well, no pooling or streaking.
Here it is in the sun. I'm slightly sad that you can't see the microglitter/shimmer at all but it's there, I promise.
In the shade you can see the microglitter/shimmer in the bottle but it just gets completely lost on the nail. Additionally, you can start to see VNL on my nails - especially my pinkie. A third coat would hopefully fix that right up.
Overall I wasn't in love with this polish but I couldn't bring myself to give it away either.
Live from Cosmoprof North America 2013!
So after missing my flight, being rerouted 5 hours out of my way, and showing up 7 hours late, having my laptop wireless card go southside, my iPad not charge and a migraine the size of Texas, I am in Las Vegas for the Cosmoprof North America show!
Yesterday I met with a large diverse group of brands - NCLA (yes, it's in all caps!), China Glaze (Gelaze anyone?!), OPI (item coming this fall that I am jumping up and DOWN for!), Barielle (great story line behind each collection), Seche (much more pigment and boldness!), ORLY (flakie IN matte top coat!), Jessica (glow in the dark snowman ornaments anyone?), nubar (where have they been), and much more.
Tonight I have more meetings set with brands like essie, and CND plus something extra special that I hope I can talk about. Unlike last year, more items are embargoed this year... some I can't talk about until December! Some I couldn't photograph. But despite that, just know that this is the place to learn about new nail trends ... when I can talk about them!
Be prepared, tell your friends.
Yesterday I met with a large diverse group of brands - NCLA (yes, it's in all caps!), China Glaze (Gelaze anyone?!), OPI (item coming this fall that I am jumping up and DOWN for!), Barielle (great story line behind each collection), Seche (much more pigment and boldness!), ORLY (flakie IN matte top coat!), Jessica (glow in the dark snowman ornaments anyone?), nubar (where have they been), and much more.
Tonight I have more meetings set with brands like essie, and CND plus something extra special that I hope I can talk about. Unlike last year, more items are embargoed this year... some I can't talk about until December! Some I couldn't photograph. But despite that, just know that this is the place to learn about new nail trends ... when I can talk about them!
Be prepared, tell your friends.
Cosmoprof posts are coming!
Happy polishing!
essie Fall 2011
I originally saw these at Cosmoprof North America - Las Vegas but now they are available!
Please enjoy the following press release from essie!
"Fall is the perfect time to reinvent the classics." Sensuous. Desirable. Refined. This is the season of understated luxury that exudes a quietly smoldering allure. The look is powerful, bold and perfectly accessorized. Daring in its elegance and simplicity, it's a style that blends timeless sophistication with contemporary cool.
This collection is designed for the woman who has an innate sense of how to put a look together with great accessories. Dress up your wardrobe with classic colors that carry you through every fashion adventure.
Carry On: Can a color encapsulate the spirit of an entire era? This magnetic mulberry merlot is the one. Bold, intense, romantic. Now and forever.
Glamour Purse: This incomparable almond blush is a scene-stealing beauty that creates a stir wherever she goes. The girl can't help it.
Lady Like: Etiquette, posture, protocol. Did we miss anything? Oh, yes, this pretty, demure pink. It's just the thing, you know.
Case Study: This shade of rich camel beige exudes Ivy League charm with a hint of sweet seduction. A case study in the very meaning of a modern classic.
Very Structrued: Get down to business with this shade of creamy burnt sienna. Add this soft tan to your agenda.
Power Clutch: Nighttime is the right time. What happens when this enigmatic darkest green comes out to play? It's just the right amount of impact after dark.
You can purchase essie in a number of locations; check out their website for more. You can also like them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter.
Please enjoy the following press release from essie!
"Fall is the perfect time to reinvent the classics." Sensuous. Desirable. Refined. This is the season of understated luxury that exudes a quietly smoldering allure. The look is powerful, bold and perfectly accessorized. Daring in its elegance and simplicity, it's a style that blends timeless sophistication with contemporary cool.
This collection is designed for the woman who has an innate sense of how to put a look together with great accessories. Dress up your wardrobe with classic colors that carry you through every fashion adventure.
Carry On: Can a color encapsulate the spirit of an entire era? This magnetic mulberry merlot is the one. Bold, intense, romantic. Now and forever.
Glamour Purse: This incomparable almond blush is a scene-stealing beauty that creates a stir wherever she goes. The girl can't help it.
Lady Like: Etiquette, posture, protocol. Did we miss anything? Oh, yes, this pretty, demure pink. It's just the thing, you know.
Case Study: This shade of rich camel beige exudes Ivy League charm with a hint of sweet seduction. A case study in the very meaning of a modern classic.
Very Structrued: Get down to business with this shade of creamy burnt sienna. Add this soft tan to your agenda.
Power Clutch: Nighttime is the right time. What happens when this enigmatic darkest green comes out to play? It's just the right amount of impact after dark.
You can purchase essie in a number of locations; check out their website for more. You can also like them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter.
essie All In One Base
Got this email in my inbox today:
Essie is having a giveaway for their all in one base total nail treatment :) Check them out on their Facebook today!
*For complete rules, please click here. The Giveaway begins at 09:00:00 AM Eastern Standard Time ("EST") on August 1, 2011 and ends at 04:59:59 PM EST on August 22, 2011 ("Giveaway Period"). is not responsible or part of this giveaway.
Essie is having a giveaway for their all in one base total nail treatment :) Check them out on their Facebook today!
*For complete rules, please click here. The Giveaway begins at 09:00:00 AM Eastern Standard Time ("EST") on August 1, 2011 and ends at 04:59:59 PM EST on August 22, 2011 ("Giveaway Period"). is not responsible or part of this giveaway.
Cosmoprof: 2 August 2011
As you may have read on Twitter, as I was getting on my plane to go home, I got a phone call that my Dad was going into the ER. He's been transferred to another town where he's awaiting more testing - we're thinking it's heart related. So I do apologize for this posting being late.
One booth that I visited the previous day was Prolana. This is a salon only brand that was created in part by Donna Lewis, who used to work on China Glaze. It's a big 3 free polish that is long wearing. They have over 45 shades in normal sized bottles as well as travel sized.
Next I went to see Dare to Wear by LE Chat. They had all kinds of new things to look at - most impressively for me was their "Perfect Match" system which has a gel polish for hands and a matching nail polish (same color/shade) for your toes or just touch ups... and did I mention they were glitters? They have tons of glitter polish, neons, crackle, and very nice gift sets during the holidays. All gift sets (box sets) come with a DtW top coat. You can also Like their page on Facebook.
My next stop was Color Club. They have SO much coming out this year. In addition to the collections already out (Fractured, Back to Boho), they have their Halloween and Holiday sets, Backstage (launched at Cosmoprof which is a bunch of chunky flakies and glitters), Copycoat (which are scented fast drying top coats - the scents are major perfume company scents), Foiled, PRIDE (some proceeds will go to GLAAD), All About French (available very soon), and Beyond the Mistletoe (Holiday 2011).
As I was leaving, I found a really cute waxing product, but for some reason I broke out in welts after the application. We're not sure if it was because I'm on Remicade for Rheumatoid Arthritis, or if the generic brand lavender oil that was used after the product caused problems, or what. I do want to try the product again to make sure it wasn't a fluke, but we'll get back to all that later.
After a bit of searching, I found the Essie section. They also have a lot coming out soon. Right now is Carry On - all about fashion basics... earthy... 50s chic. Next in September will be their Breast Cancer Awareness color Raise Awareness which will be a limited edition pink creme. For winter, you'll see Cocktail Bling which has been inspired by different jewels (but are not jewel toned). During the holidays, you'll see their New Years Eve metallics with Dive Bar and then will be Luxeffects a 1-2 coat top coat that you don't need another top coat with. All 5 colors in that collection will be sold for the same price as regular Essie.
This was a super busy day for me, being the last one and all. I went by the NYX Cosmetics booth to find out that they are reinventing themselves again. As you may remember, I was NOT happy with the one NYX polish I bought back in October of last year. Starting in the first week of September, they will be coming out with the Advanced Salon Formula, which is supposed to be a one coat polish with over 144 colors. (Anyone else recognize the bottle shape?) For their consumer line, they are calling it NYX Girls which is their "entry level" polish available for $3 a bottle. They are also introducing a new matte collection which will be around $4-5 a piece.
I also stopped by Piggy Paint who had their adult "Refined" line and their new Puppy Line for pets' nails.
And right as the show was closing, I turned the corner and ran into Jordana. They have a lot of nail polish with art striping brushes coming out, great for the seasoned pro and also for the nail art newbie (like me!) as well as a Crackle collection. Also coming out are their Jewels collection - some intense glitters (MORE YAY).
And with that, I'm spent. It was an absolutely amazing 3 days of beauty related products and I'm sad it wasn't about 5 days longer. I loved looking at everything coming out, all the people who spoke "my language", meeting everyone, and just the general atmosphere of the convention. I hope you enjoyed and I will have more coming up in the next few weeks from the China Glaze nail wheels that I was able to get to the entire line of Layla Magneffect polishes and even some NUBAR and No-Miss products!
In case you missed it
Cosmoprof: 31 July
Cosmoprof: 1 August
Cosmoprof 2011 Post-Show Press Release
One booth that I visited the previous day was Prolana. This is a salon only brand that was created in part by Donna Lewis, who used to work on China Glaze. It's a big 3 free polish that is long wearing. They have over 45 shades in normal sized bottles as well as travel sized.
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Prolana Bare Naked Lacquers Collection |
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Proloana Ice Queen Collection |
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Prolana Holiday 2011 Cheers! |
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Prolana Winter 2011 Shade |
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Proloana Nail Wheel |
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Prolana Color Overdose (neons) Collection |
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Prolana Per Suede Collection |
Next I went to see Dare to Wear by LE Chat. They had all kinds of new things to look at - most impressively for me was their "Perfect Match" system which has a gel polish for hands and a matching nail polish (same color/shade) for your toes or just touch ups... and did I mention they were glitters? They have tons of glitter polish, neons, crackle, and very nice gift sets during the holidays. All gift sets (box sets) come with a DtW top coat. You can also Like their page on Facebook.
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Dare to Wear Crack-m-up Crackle Polish |
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Dare to Wear Disco Tech |
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Dare to Wear glitters |
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Dare to Wear Halloween 2011 |
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Dare to Wear Holiday 2011 |
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Dare to Wear Neons |
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Perfect Match system |
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Backstage on the top, Beyond the Mistletoe on the bottom |
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Foiled swatches |
After a bit of searching, I found the Essie section. They also have a lot coming out soon. Right now is Carry On - all about fashion basics... earthy... 50s chic. Next in September will be their Breast Cancer Awareness color Raise Awareness which will be a limited edition pink creme. For winter, you'll see Cocktail Bling which has been inspired by different jewels (but are not jewel toned). During the holidays, you'll see their New Years Eve metallics with Dive Bar and then will be Luxeffects a 1-2 coat top coat that you don't need another top coat with. All 5 colors in that collection will be sold for the same price as regular Essie.
This was a super busy day for me, being the last one and all. I went by the NYX Cosmetics booth to find out that they are reinventing themselves again. As you may remember, I was NOT happy with the one NYX polish I bought back in October of last year. Starting in the first week of September, they will be coming out with the Advanced Salon Formula, which is supposed to be a one coat polish with over 144 colors. (Anyone else recognize the bottle shape?) For their consumer line, they are calling it NYX Girls which is their "entry level" polish available for $3 a bottle. They are also introducing a new matte collection which will be around $4-5 a piece.
I also stopped by Piggy Paint who had their adult "Refined" line and their new Puppy Line for pets' nails.
And right as the show was closing, I turned the corner and ran into Jordana. They have a lot of nail polish with art striping brushes coming out, great for the seasoned pro and also for the nail art newbie (like me!) as well as a Crackle collection. Also coming out are their Jewels collection - some intense glitters (MORE YAY).
And with that, I'm spent. It was an absolutely amazing 3 days of beauty related products and I'm sad it wasn't about 5 days longer. I loved looking at everything coming out, all the people who spoke "my language", meeting everyone, and just the general atmosphere of the convention. I hope you enjoyed and I will have more coming up in the next few weeks from the China Glaze nail wheels that I was able to get to the entire line of Layla Magneffect polishes and even some NUBAR and No-Miss products!
In case you missed it
Cosmoprof: 31 July
Cosmoprof: 1 August
Cosmoprof 2011 Post-Show Press Release
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