Showing posts with label Medifast. Show all posts

Food Isn't The Enemy


I am officially introducing other foods back into my diet, slowly, but one thing that I've learned in my last few months of Medifast is this... Food isn't the enemy.

New Year, New Me!


Almost 20 weeks ago, I started my Medifast journey, and I was nervous about how I was going to survive without my sugary sodas and favorite fast foods. I also scoffed at the idea of having to eat six times a day and worried about headaches and stomach issues.

The Beauty Loser: Medifast Update #6


Hello holiday season. For me, this is a party time of month, filled with my wedding anniversary, my birthday, Christmas and of course New Years. That also means lots of holiday cookies, cakes, candies, and oh yeah - the drinks.

The Beauty Loser: Medifast Update #5


Happy December! This is my favorite month of the entire year and I'm super stoked to get this month started. But what about all the food?!

The Beauty Loser: Medifast Update #4


How has it been two weeks already? It's been a LONG two weeks but thankfully, things have gotten better and continue to get better every day. So how am I doing on Medifast?

The Beauty Loser: Medifast Update


Howdy. It's been nearly three weeks since I started Medifast and well - it's been a week of ups and downs. On the plus side, I haven't gained any additional weight, and I'm making huge changes in how I eat and what I eat. On the down side, I've realized that food is a very social thing for me and so this week was particularly hard for me to stay honest to the Medifast diet.

The Beauty Loser: #MedifastMondays Update


Last time we talked, I was getting ready to start Medifast and spent a week "prepping" by eating all my favorite foods for the last time in 3 months. Well friends, I greatly overdid it. I had way too much carbs, sugars, fats, and everything that I love under the sun and my body felt it. I was a hot sweaty mess when I went to Six Flags that weekend and the scale certainly showed it. I jumped from my 240 up to 248 and frankly, it freaked me out.

The Beauty Loser: #MedifastMondays


Hey y'all! So I'm fresh off PolishCon (more to come about that soon!) and getting ready for The Indie Shop (WOO!) but #MakeupMondays is taking a little backseat for something that I've been putting off for awhile but this is MY YEAR.