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Revlon Orbit

So I had heard through the grapevine that Revlon came out with some "dual ended flakies" but had yet to see them in my local stores.  The other day, I was feeling down, so the fiancĂ© took me down to my local Walgreens, and there they were - very picked over, but they were there.  I grabbed one of each and went to the register and paid before really even paying attention to what happened.

Obviously.  Note the black in the center?  That's from someone putting this brush into the purple side (which is a very dark purple, despite what the picture shows) and THEN putting it back into the flakies side.  Also, notice how EMPTY my bottle is?  I'm really kicking myself that I didn't walk back in and say "Take this back."  Revlon did not have any kind of tamper resistant seal (what nail polish company does?), but let's just say my sails were deflating fast on the "Moon Candy" train.

So the concept is simple.  Paint your nails with the side marked "1", which is the solid creme color.  Let it dry and them paint your nail with the side marked "2" - the flakie.  This is Orbit which is a dark purple creme on one side and a shredded blue and purple flakie in a light purple base.  To be honest, it looks like the flakie shreds bled off into the base, but I don't know that for sure.

I used a base of Poshe, 1 coat of polish from each side, and topped with Seche Vite.  After doing my pinkie and ring finger with the purple, I decided to switch to Sephora black for my middle and pointer fingers.

Can you tell the difference in the black and the purple?  Yes, I can but barely.  I was NOT impressed with the purple creme at all, and that's saying something considering how much I LOVE purple.  It was way too dark for me, but did cover well.

In the shade, you can see the shredded flakie a bit better.  I wasn't too thrilled that the flakie was so hard to apply.  The base that it sits in was very thick, like a suspension base, and globbed a bit on my nail.  Now, I'm not sure if this is typical of the product or if someone messed mine up when they were obviously painting their nails in the store and used up 25% of the bottle.

Indirect sun shows that again, the flakie isn't that strong but does have a green/blue/purple shift and you might be able to tell that it's definitely not smooth either.  Considering what I've seen from companies like Nfu-Oh, Nails Inc and even China Glaze, this product does NOT fit the bill.

I paid $8 for this "Nail Art" which is about $4 a side.  There is no way I can justify paying $8 for this.  I'm so mad that I want to take the others back and say "Never mind."  However, I can't find my receipt so I guess this is one that I get to eat the cost of.

PS: None of this review is related to what's been going on with the Revlon/Sinful Colors picture debacle.  I just feel this is a crappy product.  I can't even find it listed on Revlon's website.

Revlon [Website | Facebook | Twitter] can be found in several grocery and drug stores - price may vary from $3-5 but the Moon Candy polishes were $8.

Revlon Perplex

Gotta love my dad popping up in the background - hah.

Revlon Perplex is another dupe to Chanel Paradoxal and a much cheaper one at that.  I actually bought a couple of extras for future giveaways because it's my understanding that this color is sold out in some areas due to it's likeness to Paradoxal.

I used a base coat of Seche Natural, 2 coats of Perplex and a top of Seche Vite.  The formula was nice and smooth.

In the sun, you definitely see more purple shimmer than grey which Paradoxal was more grey, less purple shimmer.  I have to be honest, I'm more of a purple girl so I love this way over Paradoxal.

My shade picture kind of blew me away - check out that smoky purple color!  Big fan.

Indoors with flash - lots of purple shimmer in a grey base.  It's a bit dark for me for spring but I never really wear colors according to the "season" - I just wear colors.  ^_^

Revlon can be found in several grocery and drug stores - price may vary from $3-5.  Check out their website for more information.  You can also follow them on Twitter or like them on Facebook.

Revlon Grape

Sometimes I just can't help myself and I want to binge buy.  The day I walked into CVS was one of those days. I spied this rack of Revlon products (among their Fire and Ice line) and since I'm a sucker for purple sparkly polish, I snatched this one up.  I believe it was around $5 for this "top speed, one coat" polish that is supposed to be dry in 60 seconds.  Grape is a dark purple with red and blue particles but is officially listed as a pearl.

I used a base of Seche Natural, one coat of Grape and a top of Seche Vite.  The nails were dry to the touch within 60 seconds (before the Seche Vite) but still scratchable/nickable.

In the sun you can barely see the blue and red sparkles.

The shade just washes out this color completely - not one of my favorites anymore.  I hate when polish is so dark it looks black or is just completely washed out without sun.  Still a good color and one coat coverage is always nice but it's going back on the shelf for awhile.

Revlon can be found in several grocery and drug stores - price may vary from $3-5.  Check out their website for more information.  You can also follow them on Twitter or like them on Facebook.

Revlon Autumn Berry

I live in a semi-small town and rarely have a place to buy polish outside of Sally's.  I have a Wal-Mart and an HEB, but that's it.  My HEB decided to remodel the entire store and in their moving of cosmetics, I noticed a bunch of Revlon's with a $2 off ticket attached.  I realized I didn't own and Revlon and took the opportunity to grab one.

Autumn Berry is a wine red with a tiny bit of gold in it.  However, the gold was more in the bottle than anything else.  It's definitely a shimmer and a good fall color at that.  I used a base of Seche Natural, 2 coats of Autumn Berry and a top of Seche Vite.  The formula was good - no pooling/not thick.

In the sun you can see a tiny bit of the gold shimmer - it wasn't very pronounced though.

In the shade, the color is much darker red - like a berry wine.

Indirect sun was my favorite here.  You can see the shimmer but also the base color well.  Overall it was worth 

Revlon can be found in several grocery and drug stores - price may vary from $3-5.  Check out their website for more information.  You can also follow them on Twitter or like them on Facebook.