400 Followers Giveaway [US & Canada] Winner!

Thank you again to the 40 readers who signed up for my CSN sponsored giveaway!!!  Only 40 people signed up for this one but there was only one winner (sorry!).

The winner has been contacted by email.  If I don't hear back by 17 July, I will choose a new winner.

Congratulations to 20: Tierney!

400 Followers Giveaway! [Everyone] Winners!


I'm learning a lesson today.  People either don't like cash, or do use PayPal, or don't like PayPal.  So I've already talked to a polish company and they will be sponsoring my 500 followers giveaway (or at least part of it).  So tell your friends to join PolishGalore, so we can have a (better) giveaway!

However, to the 44 readers who DID enter my giveaway, thank you.  You had a one in 11 chance of winning!  Wee!

I have already emailed the winners to get their PayPal email address so I can send you some munnies ^_^

The winners (in random order)
5 - TropicalChrome
42 - Michaela S
18 - destany 
33 - Alisa

Please note that I need to hear back from you by 17 July, or I will choose a new winner.

Zoya Exchange Haul

Well I procrastinated quite a bit, and then I paid by check (which takes an extra 10 days to process >_<) so I just got my Zoya polishes on 9 July.  Of course I have super nubbins again because I busted my hand on a concrete wall and chip splitted my nail, so I just cut everything off to be even (and filed/buffed... the good stuff).  Time to break out some Seche Rebuild!

Here's just a down and dirty picture of the polishes I picked up.  Aria and Ivy were actually a mistake.  I helped Ivy in Australia by buying her polishes for her (and I'll be sending them to her) but I placed my order before she finished giving me hers... so I decided to just keep Aria and Ivy for myself and order her a pair for herself.

Can you tell that I like purple?

Aria is a glitter from the Sirens collection.
Ivy is a shimmer from the Magique collection.
Yummy and Juicy are cremes from the Candy collection.
Demi is a creme from the Dare collection.
Areetha is a metallic from the Diva collection.
Zara is a duchrome from the Flourish collection.
Vegas Freeze is a glitter from the Glamsicles collection.
Harlow and Savita are mattes from the Matte Velvet collection.

I'm super excited to try these all.  Juicy and Demi look VERY similar so I'm looking forward to doing some comparisons as well.

Zoya [official website] can be purchased on their website for $7/bottle.

Cheeky Monkey Lucky U

So, here's the deal.  Cheeky Monkey Cosmetics was super nice enough to send me a press sample of their new Spring 2010 colors, Tease, Get Wet, Booty Call and Filthy Madame.

The first time, Filthy Madame exploded  in the mail (yes, exploded) due to this insane Texas heat, and ruined Get Wet and Booty Call.  Tease was saved because she was wrapped up in a piece of tissue paper that was separate from the other three.

The second time, Booty Call was the girl to explode, covering Filthy Madame and Get Wet.  

This is when A at CMC and I got creative.  This time, she was going to put each bottle in a plastic zip lock bag, so IN CASE it exploded, it wouldn't get anywhere but the bag.  She also paid the extra expense of using UPS instead of USPS because with Customs, it was taking 10 days for my package to come to me.

So package three... third time's the charm or three strikes and you're out?

So I give up.  It was Filthy Madame again that exploded - check out the dried polish up in the top right hand corner.

However, one good thing came out of all this - which is what this blog is really about.

Coming soon to Cheeky Monkey!  

Lucky U is a metallic spearmint color with a slight pearl thing going on (or at least that's what I kept thinking).  I used a base coat of Cheeky Monkey Wet Dream, 2 coats of Lucky U and a top coat of Seche Vite.

(Boo nubbins.)
See what I mean about that metallic/pearl/PRETTY green?  It's almost like dewy grass - such a happy little color.

Goes well with all that grass I have in the background.  Hurricane Alex was slated to go anywhere from Mexico to 30 miles south of me (where my parents live), and all we ended up getting was TONS of rain.  We're still getting rain.  Anywhere from 1-5 inches a DAY.  Then we get sun.  TONS of sun.  We're talking 100+ degrees.  So guess what rain + sun = ?

MOSQUITOES.  And guess who's allergic to their bites?  Myself and my son.

Anyway, rant over.

Even in the shade, this color is amazing.  No streaking or application issues - actually the hardest thing I had to do was paint my right hand.  I've been swatching so much and staining cabinets in my BRAND NEW KITCHEN, that I haven't had a chance to wear a full manicure in over 3 weeks.  Sigh.

As soon as I get the release date on this beauty, I'll update this blog posting.  Another winner from Cheeky Monkey Cosmetics!  Additionally, and I must mention this... seriously their customer service is amazing.  I called the company directly to talk to A, and she personally answered and we chatted about what was going on with my bad luck.  She even remembered that I was remodeling my kitchen and asked about it!  How many times can you say a company REALLY cared about you?  I can think of very few, but luckily, I've had the chance to work with some amazing polish companies and it just really makes all the difference.

Cheeky Monkey can be purchased on their website [official websitefor $15 a bottle.

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

China Glaze Jitterbug

Here is my last bottle from the Vintage Vixen collection - I'm almost sad!  China Glaze said on their Twitter that the Halloween Set is already sitting on their desk, so at least I have that to look forward to?  Hah.  I still really loved Fortune Teller from last year, especially with Matte Magic on top of it.

Back to Jitterbug - which is a grey chrome with silver micro glitter.  Okay, wait, is it grey or gray?  Apparently it differs depending on where in the US you live?  What?  Blarg.  I'm going with grey.  Or at least, I'm going to try.

Anywho, this was the least exciting color for me, but that's because I'm still looking for my perfect grey (gray?) creme.  I used a base of Seche Natural, 2 coats of Jitterbug and a top coat of Seche Vite.

Don't get me wrong, it's pretty!  It's just not my total cup of tea.  Plus I had this itching feeling that I had seen this before.

In the shade, the microglitter comes alive.

That's when it hit me.  Jitterbug reminds me of Man Glaze "Fuggen Ugly" when you add a top coat to it.  Right?
Well, a little bit - Fuggen Ugly has more of a rainbow effect when you add the top coat.  Well I was kinda close!

China Glaze [official website] can be found online through several etailers, including my favorite Head2Toe Beauty [official website], Sally's Beauty Supply [official website] as well asTransDesign [official website].

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.