China Glaze Encouragement

Sorry for my delay in posting - all my polish is still in a box, a bag, and a few bottles are on my desk at the moment.  My polish racks will be here on the 3rd.  The house appraisal was on Thursday so YAY that's done, however, my Dad was put in the hospital on Wednesday night and will be there for several days as they try to dissolve the blood clot in his right leg.  Also I'm attempting to potty train my 3 year old before he starts Pre-K3 on the 11th and I'm having second thoughts about school for him.  Finally, I'm having to go to my doctor on Monday because the swelling in my legs have gotten worse and my doctor wanted me to go to the ER but I said no way.  FUN TIMES.

Back to the polish - that's why you're here!

So unfortunately, I only was able to swatch one of these before they got put in The Bag for moving.  Now, this is the first time I've received actually PR samples from China Glaze, that has the PR bottle label instead of the normal bar code.  Me, being a horrible speller, has noticed that "Encouragement" which was spelled correctly in the press release, is called "Encouragment" on the PR bottle.  I'm just double checking on that.

Now the only thing that made me slightly sad about this years BCA (Breast Cancer Awareness) collection was that the bottles will not have a tiny pink ribbon printed on the bottle like last years.  That's okay though because the colors are still absolutely beautiful.

Encouragement is a very milky white pink that was slightly sheer and contained a silver shimmer.  I had forgotten all about the shimmer until I got outside and saw it.  Sadly, I didn't have any sun the day I swatched, but you can still see how beautiful it is!

I used a base coat of Dermelect Launchpad, 3 coats of Encouragement, and topped it with Seche Vite.
Encouragement is a very soft color which I think is great for the office and the shimmer gives it a little punch!  The Fight Like a Woman collection will be available in professional beauty supply stores and select salons this September. Availability will be very limited internationally.

China Glaze [official website] can be found online through several etailers, including my favorite Head2Toe Beauty [official website], Sally's Beauty Supply [official website] as well asTransDesign [official website].

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

Beauty Debutante Blog

As I had mentioned previously, I am now apart of the beauty blog Beauty Debutante [official website].  I've been ridiculously excited about writing for them, and my first post came out yesterday on the brand (seed).  It might also be written SEED... it was both ways on their website and the paperwork I received ^_^

So please, do check it out ... Extra brownie points if you hit the "Like" button and/or leave a comment (I feel so loved!)

I have at least 2 more coming up soon... one on a tanning lotion and then today I hit the motherload of skin care products that have me all kinds of excited.

Del Sol Sale

Color-Change Nail Polish Special
I have yet to try this brand as well but who doesn't love color changing polish?!  This changes with the sun and they have several different colors available.  Bottles do run $10 a piece so it's a little pricey but since you technically get 2 colors in one bottle, it's more like $5 a bottle.  At least, that's what I tell myself ;]

Del Sol is available on their website here.

Nails Magazine - Reader's Choice Awards

Nails Magazine (which I do not subscribe to at the moment) is having their Reader's Choice Awards where you get to pick your favorites.  The link to vote is here.  Please do not click on that link until you're ready to vote because it will log that you have started the survey and not let you go back and vote again.

Some of my absolute favorites are nominated from CND to China Glaze, OPI to Zoya, Seche and even Nubar (which I'm still dying to try).  Also nominated is Dermelect, which I am still using their base coat Launchpad on my nails.  They are hosting a Facebook contest for the chance to win a $350 gift package of Dermelect products if you do indeed vote for Dermelect.  You can read more about that here.

So get to voting!  You may vote for whoever you like - it is a Reader's Choice!

Sally Hansen Platinum Chrome

While in the midst of this house remodel, my Mom came across a box of nail polish that HAD to have been mine but I don't remember ever buying any of it.  Some of them didn't have labels anymore, and all but two were still in pretty decent shape.  At least one bottle was my Mom's, I'm sure of it.  The rest... well whatever.  I know that these colors are all at LEAST 8 years old if not longer.

Sally Hansen Platinum Chrome is a pretty plain and simple - silver chrome.  As with chromes, it's pretty brush strokey but who cares when your nails are so slick?  It did STINK, a lot.  I'm not sure if this is big 3 free but I'm guessing no.

I used a base coat of Dermelect Launchpad, 2 coats of Platinum Chrome and I left my nails without a top coat this time.  I was shocked at how fast it dried (under 5 minutes), but it may have toluene in it - who knows.

Oh chrome <3

My camera didn't like this color in the shade as you can see below.

I really don't know anything else about this particular line of Chromes - I'm just glad I have my China Glaze Khromes now!