China Glaze Mummy May I

The last of the China Glaze Halloween set "Awakening" is Mummy May I.  It's listed as a vampy wine colored, purple base with flecks of hot pink glitter.  In the bottle, it looks more like black with purple glitter, but once you get it on your nail and in the light, you see it correctly.  Unfortunately, I did not get a bottle picture due to taking pictures too late in my day.

In the sun, you can really see the pink glitter - I'm still having issues with my index finger... it's like all colors are a little spotty.  I'm going to try buffing my nails and making sure I wipe with Zoya Remove+ on that nail specifically.  You can have issues with polish sticking when you have too much oil on your nails, so I've heard.

You can see what I mean on my index best in this picture.  This picture was indirect sun and it's almost a jelly like polish here.  It's actually really pretty and it could be really used all year round - not just for Halloween.

Here in the shade, the glitter really pops out to me.  The formula on this was nice for me.  I used a base coat of Seche Natural, 2 coats of Mummy May I, and a top of Seche Vite.  Even though it's a glitter, it wasn't too hard to remove - especially since I just wore Across the Universe the day before.

China Glaze [official website] can be found online through several etailers, including my favorite Head2Toe Beauty [official website], Sally's Beauty Supply [official website] as well asTransDesign [official website].

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

deborah lippmann Across The Universe

When I first saw deborah lippmann's Ruby Red Slippers, I knew I had to have it.  However, the closest store that sold said polish was 3 hours away and yet I didn't want to pay for shipping either.  Funny how we rationalize things.  So the last time I went to said story in said 3 hour away city, I went nuts and bought 4 deborah lippmann's including this beauty, Across the Universe.

I used a base coat of Seche Natural, 3 three coats of Across the Universe, and 2 top coats of Seche Vite.  I actually wore this for three days before taking my swatching pictures, so on day 3, I added one more coat of AtU and another coat of Seche Vite, so that's what you're seeing here (just to cover tip wear).  I must say that the first coat of AtU is very watery - next time I think I'll use a base of CND Blackjack because I feel my index was still a bit sheer.  This is a dark blue base with blue glitter and blue and green hexagonal glitter.  I love it.  The way I kept the hexagonal glitter on my nail was by only wiping one side of the brush on the bottle neck, and then waiting a minute before adding a second coat.

This is really another one of those "You have to see it in person" colors because it's so beautiful especially when the light hits it "just so".

Did you know all my pictures are clickable?  I only have then in 600x450 pixel size... I've thought of making them larger... thoughts?

Look at that glitter!  It's so beautiful.

The polish really did float on the nail - it was just beautiful.  I really wanted to wear it matted as well, but forgot.  Hah.  

Removal was an absolute PAIN, even with the foil method.  I'm not sure if maybe I just didn't leave my foil on long enough or what.  I would probably use 100% acetone next time (instead of Zoya Remove+).

deborah lippmann [official website] sells for $18 a bottle.  You can also Like her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.



I've been slightly jumping up and down for days waiting for this moment.  As of this morning, I officially have 500 followers!

I smell a giveaway... but a big one!

I'm still gathering all the prizes, but for sure, for sure, for sure the following will be included.  (Click on the prize to see the review/mention/product)
-Season 2 of True Blood on DVD (Region 1)
-Zoya Nidhi
-Zoya Remove +
-Evil Shades Nightmare
-iTunes gift card

And seriously, much more.  Let me get everything gathered and then we're having a party!  Wee!

CSN Giveaway #2 - Update

Just so everyone knows, I'm still giving out the gift certificate to the winner - the problem is I don't have the gift certificate just yet.  There was a tiny problem with CSN that I was able to fix immediately, but I still haven't received the gift certificate from CSN to send to the winner...

I do want to thank the 38 people who signed up... some left secrets, others didn't.  Some of the secrets were amazing, some I totally related to, and some made me laugh really hard.  Now I truly see why PostSecret is so addicting - this was a total adrenaline rush to read people's secrets.

Being this is Labor Day weekend, I'm not sure if I'll hear back from my CSN contact until Tuesday, but there will be a winner!  Promise!

Cheeky Monkey Damn I'm Hot vs China Glaze 2030

While applying Cheeky Monkey Damn I'm Hot, I kept thinking it looked like China Glaze 2030 from the Khrome Collection.  Now, side by side on the bottle, you can't really tell that they are as similar as I think they are.  2030 looks much more gold than Damn I'm Hot.

For Damn I'm Hot, I used a base coat of Cheeky Monkey Get Wet, and for 2030 I used a base coat of Seche Natural.  I have 2 coats of Damn I'm Hot, but only one coat of 2030.  I topped both with Seche Vite.

The difference is very subtle.  I almost have to walk back from my monitor to really see that Damn I'm Hot is more silver and 2030 is more gold.  They both have the metallic sheen going on but there are 2 big differences... (1) Cheeky Monkey is $15, and China Glaze is $4 and (2) 2030 is MUCH more opaque than Damn I'm Hot.  Can you live with one and not the other?  Probably - depends on what you're looking to wear that day.  ^_^