Cult Nails Release

You have probably already seen this around, but I also would like to share the news.

Please enjoy the following press release from R3 Daily - a fellow blogger that I've been following and enjoy reading!

Nail polish blogger R3 Daily announces a new nail polish line, Cult Nails. Maria Morrison is the blogger of R3 Daily and creator of Cult Nails. The polish line will be B3 Free which means it does not contain formaldehyde, toluene and dibutyl phtalate. Cult Nails polish line is also camphor free, cruelty free and considered a vegan friendly product. "When creating this line it was important to me that not only can I safely wear it, but so can my daughters."

The line will launch in early 2011 with only three colors. Cult Nails will continue to introduce colors to the line throughout each fashion season in 2011. Maria stated that "While I was very excited about the opportunity, I had to be realistic in what I could bring to the table. A small line with a limited collection is a perfect introduction for Cult Nails. The focus is on creating trend setting polish colors that are fun and safe while taking an earth friendly stance in everything we do" In fact Cult Nails committment to being earth friendly means removing unneccesary packaging, using boxes for shipping that are made from 100% recycled materials and shipping packages with reusable packing materials, like cotton balls.

The three introductory shades will retail for $10 per bottle and will include a vibrant holographic red aptly named "Follow Me", a true grey purple creme with a subtle shimmer named "My Kind of Cool Aid" and a yet to be chosen color that R3 Daily's blog followers will have an opportunity to create. Maria's goal is to involve the polish blogging community in the creation of this new line, "Polish bloggers and followers are the most amazing group of women I have seen. They are so supportive of each other and have amazing ideas when it comes to polish. I can't wait to see what they create! This line isn't just for me, it's for all of us!"

For more information on R3 Daily or Cult nails go to: or

deborah lippmann Ruby Red Slippers

My very first deborah lippmann lemming was this baby right here - Ruby Red Slippers.  It's a black based polish with red glitter and hexagonal glitter.  Now after seeing how many coats I used with Across the Universe, I decided to cheat this time.

I used a base coat of Seche Natural, then one coat of CND Blackjack and one coat of Ruby Red Slippers, topped with 2 coats of Seche Vite.  Now I could have gotten away with one coat of Seche Vite but decided to use two because I wrapped the tips before my flight that day.

Doing this also helped with the removal process.  Well, I also used pure acetone in my removal, which I hate doing, but made it so much easier.

This is a picture heavy post because I LOVED this polish.  There was a nurse that was absolutely amazed that this was polish and not some "art stuff you get done at a salon."  :)

LOVE this polish.  Here's a shade picture too.

Oh and one final shot of the polish up close.  YUM.
deborah lippmann [official website] sells for $18 a bottle.  You can also Like her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.

CSN #2 Winner!

Remember this post?  Well I didn't forget about y'all!  There was some email miscommunication, but now that's done and over with, and I have a winner!  Thank you so much to the 38 people who signed up, especially those who added a secret!  It was so much fun to read.

The winner of a $40 certificate to any of the 200 CSN stores is #29 - Deanna!  Now Deanna has her own blog located here: so you might want to check it out sometime ^_^

Deanna, I've emailed you - you have 7 days to email me back so I can send you the certificate code.

For anyone that's wondering, I have placed an order with CSN before, actually using a certificate that I won from another blog!  I was able to get a beautiful canvas wrapped painting that I gave to my Mom - she absolutely loved it.  Because I found something with free shipping, I literally paid $0.  The CSN certificates do not include shipping, so please just note that.  

Have a fantastic day!

Readers Poll!

Currently, PolishGalore is ad-free.  This was more of a lazy decision, because I didn't want to worry about coding of Ad-Sense or having to bill customers, but as any blogger knows - it costs money to run a blog.  I do buy a lot of product myself, and then there's my hosting domain and package, the supplies I buy that help with blogging (storage racks, not like - computer software), not to mention just the time I take to blog.

However, today, I got an email from an interested company (not beauty related, but nothing pornographic, which is an absolute no for me) that would like to have a text link from their company on my blog.  Because I know I'd be nothing without my readers, I'd like to ask your opinion!  I'll run this poll for a week.

Blogs of Note

I'm officially making Sundays my Blogs Of Note day, highlighting blogs that I follow.  Most of these blogs I found just by searching the Internet, or heard from via Twitter or Facebook.  I'll highlight 3 blogs each Sunday for now - I hope you enjoy and can find some new reads too!

First blog is A Stroke of Color.  Michelle, the blog owner, has been a little busy but she was one of my first blogs to read.  She does feature a lot of Konad which I really love, but never have had the patience to master.  Her nails are normally short, so it's fun to see the designs on short nails (not quite nubbins, but close) as well as just a great paint job.

Second blog of note today is Addicted To All Things Pretty.  Krissy blogs about more than just nails, although that's her most blogged about topic.  She keeps what I would call extra long nails, definitely a length I have never been able to achieve or keep, although she calls them "smedium".  Krissy has a lot of cremes in her blog, but also features glitters and shimmers as well.

My last blog of note is Beauty Debutante.  Now I'm obviously biased to this one since I'm also one of the blog contributors, but I actually found it through Twitter originally and was just a reader.  Beauty Debutante features all things beauty from nails to skin care, shapewear, men's beauty care, and my favorite - beauty sales.  They do update every single day, so that's a lot of information but it's something different every day.

I hope you enjoy this little section of Polish Galore - I really feel that the blogging has exploded in the past 5 years, and we're all apart of a unique community.  Have a great day!