Nicole by OPI Bring On The Tinsel

Remember this promo picture of Nicole by OPI Bring On The Tinsel from the Holiday Magic Winter 2010 Collection?  Well, I received this color in the mail, and it's not a brown gold glitter.  Surprise!
Quite different, eh?  I think of tinsel being a goldish brown with some hint of green and red (thanks Mom), but this is more of a blue tinted silver.  It's actually made up of tiny red, blue, green, silver and gold glitter in a clear base.

Here's a simple coat test - and oh yes, it was super hard to remove (being a glitter and all), but the formula was fine - no problem there.
If worn alone, I'd go with 3 coats but if worn with a base color underneath, 2 coats will do.

I used a base coat of OPI Natural Nail Base and a top coat of OPI Top Coat.  SUN!
You can really see the blue and green pushing through.

Oh Tinsel - I do love you.  Maybe this year I'll show y'all my awesome (and CHEAP) way to make a table top Christmas tree using wire hangers, tinsel, and Christmas lights ^_^.

Nicole by OPI is available beginning at ULTA, Meijer, Harmon, HEB, Sears, Wal-Mart and more for around $8 a bottle.  For more information, visit their websitefollow Nicole by OPI on Twitter or become a Facebook fan.

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

Migi Nail Art Update

Soooo I don't know what happened with Migi Nail Art - their rep totally disappeared on me, so I'm sorry there wasn't more information posted about the giveaway, but thank you to the 54 readers who signed up.  I'll be verifying and adding up the entries and posting a winner soon.  ^_^

Apothica Giveaway Update

The post to sign up for my $25 Apothica Giveaway is still located here but due to an angry computer virus, the Tweet didn't get posted until today for 2 extra entries.

This is the Tweet from Apothica that you need to ReTweet in order to get 2 extra entries for my giveaway.

If you already signed up for the giveaway and now want to RT the above tweet for 2 extra entries, just fill out a new entry form - I'll just merge whatever is a duplicate manually.  Thanks!

Zoya Julieanne

I don't know how this beautiful shade sat on my testing shelf for so long...  It's amazing!  Zoya Julieanne is from the 2010 Fall Wicked and Wonderful collection (Wicked) and is listed as a Byzantium purple sparkling metallic.  So apparently Byzantium is just a dark shade of purple - knowledge is power ^_^

I was absolutely thrilled with this color.  I always forget how smooth Zoya applies and am always happy with it when I put it on.  I used a base coat of Zoya Anchor, 2 coats of Juileanne, a top of Zoya Armor and another top of Seche Vite (to make it dry faster for me).

Look at that beautiful color in the bottle!  And holy cow, my nail just all of a sudden got super long!  It almost takes on a glass fleck look instead of a metallic.  Lovely.

In the shade, you can really see the richness of this color.  The ONLY downside was that inside in ridiculous yellow light (I hate yellow light bulbs), this color was super dark - almost black.  I was in church with my son when he said "I like your nail polish" (we're still working on indoor voices) and I noticed two women kind of look at me and wrinkle up their noses.  Oops.  ^_^  I ended up wearing this color for a couple of days because it was just so stunning.  Love it.

Zoya [official website] can be purchased on their website for $7/bottle.

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

Rescue Beauty Lounge Cherry Love

Did you take advantage of the Rescue Beauty Lounge, who by the way, is now on Twitter, 50% off sale?  When I heard rumors (which are still just rumors) that this would be the last sale of its kind, I narrowed it down to 4 shades and pulled the plunger.  I do own Scrangie but realized last night that I haven't officially swatched it yet - and I need to!

One of the 4 colors that I purchased is Cherry Love, listed as a "Popsicle-fuschia, the love child of hot pink and sizzling red.  When pink is too tame and red is too expected, give this glamorous shade a try."  I always have heard from other bloggers that the Rescue Beauty Lounge cremes are super smooth but I did find this one to be just a bit thick.  I'm not sure if it just needed time to adjust to the Texas humidity (is that real?) or what - but I didn't have that hard of a time applying - just needed to wipe a little extra off my brush.

I used a base coat of Seche Natural, 2 coats of Cherry Love and a top of Seche Vite.
In the sun, you can see how smooth the formula comes out - I do love how cremes look on the nail, which is funny... years ago I was all about glitter and nothing more.  Now I love the look of glitter on other people because I know how hard it is to remove heh.

One shade picture - just a tiny bit of VBL, but I may be the only person to see it - you can see a bit of red-blue in the bottle, but not too much.

Now, I've heard (again from other bloggers) that RBL doesn't play well with Seche, but I didn't have any problems.  I have 3 more colors here plus Scrangie and so I may be doing a wear test soon.  ^_^

Rescue Beauty Lounge is available for sale on their website for $18 a bottle.  You can Like her on Facebook as well as follow her on Twitter.