Jesse's Girl Flirt vs China Glaze Good Witch?

In my quest to find dupes among my own collection, I thought that Jesse's Girl Flirt looked familiar, so I started digging.  First, I pulled out my China Glaze Good Witch? from the Wizard of Ooh Ahz re-release last year.  (It was one of my first reviews when I started blogging - be kind with my bad pictures!)

For both polishes I used a base coat of Seche Natural, 2 coats of polish and a top of Seche Vite.  For some reason, Good Witch? was a lot easier to work with this time around.

These two do look similar in the sun but there is a bit of a difference.  Flirt is a straight up foil/frost where as Good Witch has this tiny pink glitter in it that gives it a slightly gritty look.

In the shade, you can see that Flirt is more plummy pink where Good Witch is more baby pink.  Dupes - no.  Cousins - sure.  However, don't leave me yet - I have yet another good comparison coming up.  :)

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

Jesse's Girl Flirt

Winding down in the Jesse's Girl collection - have you purchased any yet?  For only $3 a bottle, they really are some great finds.  Originally when I saw Flirt, I was thinking "frosty pink? Pass."  Bad move, Krystal.  This isn't just a frosty foil pink, it's an amazing explosion of happiness on the nails.  (Boom.)

I used a base coat of Seche Natural, 2 coats of Flirt and topped it with Seche Vite.  The formula was very smooth on this color, much like the entire collection has been.

Eeeii pretty!  In the sun you can see how the foil-like polish just glows with soft shades of pink and almost a golden hue.  This is one of my favorite colors, next to purple.  It's not so in your face like a neon pink, but it's not as boring as a pink creme.  Great for Singles Awareness Day, I mean "Valentine's Day" coming up in a little over a week now.

I especially love this color in the shade - again sparkle without being too insane.  I know frosts get a bad rap from some but I like them for the most part (I think).  :)

Jesse's Girl sells for $2.99 a bottle online or at Rite Aid stores. You can visit Jesse's Girl on their website, Like them on Facebook and Follow them on Twitter.

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

Jesse's Girl Riff-Raff

Still no snow but we have a bit of ice - today's posting is Jesse's Girl Riff-Raff, a gorgeous melting pot of browns ... Originally I was so confused about this color - it's almost like a dark caramel?  Shimmer, almost metallic in brush strokes - amazing.

I used a base coat of Seche Natural, 2 coats of Riff-Raff and a top of Seche Vite.  To be honest, the coverage on this polish was so nice I could have gotten away with one coat but I did two to be safe.

I took a lot of sun pictures because this color is actually quite a gem.

Dark shimmer - love it.  A bit of gold peeking out too.

You can really see the sparkles on my middle finger.

The shade almost makes this color look like one of those Tiger's Eye rocks I used to love as a kid.  Very beautiful color - very unexpected of a brown.

Jesse's Girl sells for $2.99 a bottle online or at Rite Aid stores. You can visit Jesse's Girl on their website, Like them on Facebook and Follow them on Twitter.

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

Jesse's Girl Beach Baby

Even though it's 29 degrees outside (really?!  And no snow at all...), I have a hot little neon number to warm you up.  Jesse's Girl Beach Baby is the older sister of Baby Cakes, still pink, still neon, but just a little darker.  I used a base coat of Seche Natural and 3 coats of Beach Baby.  I did not use a top coat, so you're seeing the matte finish of neons.

Well hello.  It's ALMOST a coral but it's not.  Just look how hot that really is!

Even in the shade, this color just GLOWS.  Definitely a great summer color or just something to pretend like it's summer with.

Jesse's Girl sells for $2.99 a bottle online or at Rite Aid stores. You can visit Jesse's Girl on their website, Like them on Facebook and Follow them on Twitter.

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

Nina Ultra Pro Purple-xing

After reading Scrangie's post about Nina Ultra Pro Purple-xing, I had to have it for myself.  Probably the best part is the name - I'm going with her ultimate guess of "perplexing" which is such a good play on words.  Now for me, this was a straight up purple glitter with rainbow silver glitter (the kind that reflects light).  LOVE, love, love, love.

I used a base of Seche Natural, 2 coats of Purple-xing and then it got weird.  I used my Seche Vite like normal, but then my polish was still lumpy.  REALLY lumpy.  I then added a second coat of Seche Vite but the lumpiness was still there.  It never did smooth out.

Here in the sun, you can see the grittiness and lumps especially on my ring finger - what's up with that?!  It's almost like China Glaze Flying Dragon where the neon parts stand out - no clue what's up with that.

In the shade, you can still see some of the lumps and what looks like a bare spot in the top half middle of my first nail.  Grr.  As usual, removal was a bit longer because this is a glitter.  Overall, lovely - I paid a whole $3 for this at Sally's Beauty Supply and was super happy.

Unfortunately, I can't find any information on Nina Ultra Pro other than the fact it's located for sale at Sally's Beauty Supply - anyone else have more?