Flying and Nail Polish

Google, you let me down a bit today.

So I'm getting ready to take a trip.  And you KNOW I have to have nail polish.  Last time I flew with nail polish, I had it in my purse - right there, sitting upright.  No one said anything - I didn't even THINK about it.  I realized it when I got to my hotel and my bottle was a bit bubbly.  Not THAT big of a deal, but it wasn't too fun to wait for the bubbles to all go down (it was a bottle of China Glaze Tickle My Triangle for those interested).

My first search hit from Google was from {link removed due to 404 error} - a website I've never heard of...  Not sure when this page was even posted but their Copyright hasn't been updated to 2011, so yeah it's out of date.  But it said that nail polish and nail polish remover were not allowed into carry-ons but could be placed in your checked baggage.

After some Tweets back and forth about it, I decided to call the TSA.  You know - go straight to the source.  I didn't spend that long on hold - and I listened to their automated menus for a bit before realizing if you don't press ANY buttons, it takes you to a live person (oops).  I didn't catch my agent's name but I did have to give my full name and phone number (joy).  He said that as long as it's under the 3.5 ounce requirement and in a quart sized zip lock bag, you can bring your nail polish (and nail polish remover!) in your carry on bags.  No requirements are necessary for your checked luggage.

Then he told me something kinda awesome (for nerds like me).  On the TSA home page, there is a box on the right side that says "Can I bring" and you enter your keyword and hit search.  Now it's not perfect - it just gave me basically the same information as found on their Prohibited Items list, but it was nice to see that.  I've never had a problem with the TSA to date, and this will be my first time traveling with the new body scanners - and I don't even know if the airports I'm flying to/from have them yet...  regardless.  Pack your nail polish and enjoy!

China Glaze Tickle My Triangle

Guest Blogging

While I'm celebrating my 4th year at work (WOO!) and getting ready to post a LOT of Zoya reds (!), I also found some time to write a little something for Kim over at Overall Beauty!  Please do go check it out - click here now!

Claire's Blacklight

Last time I was out at Claire's, I spied this purple with silver glitter polish that is labeled only as Blacklight, so I jumped on it.  The Zumba class I go to turns on the blacklights and party lights on Thursdays, so I was excited to try it out.

Okay, first disappointment, this polish was SUPER thick.  I didn't want to add any thinner in case I messed up the blacklight properties somehow, but I did add 3 ballz to help shake it all up.  I used a base of Seche Natural and it took me 3 coats of polish to just have an even surface to work with.  I did not use a top coat.  The formula was very messy (and thick) and it dried matte and very gritty.

Here's my semi-sunny picture.  The glitter looks silver/blue which is cool but you can see hot gritty it is.

Shade picture - more grit, more purple...

Okay the worst part?  Under the blacklight, this polish did nothing.  No glow, nada.  I was really disappointed.  :[

Claire's is available world-wide and online.  You can Like their Facebook page and Follow their Twitter pages.

FingerPaints Outta Sight Orange

Last in the FingerPaints "Peace, Love & Color" Summer 2011 Collection is Outta Sight Orange, an orange glitter.  I used a base of Seche Natural, 2 coats of OSO and a top of Seche Vite.  I loved the formula on this one, and oddly enough, the color as well.  Normally I shy away from orange (it's like yellow for me) but not this time.

Reminds me a little of orange juice and I MIGHT have a dupe for this, but I am putting dupes on hold for now  while I get reviews done.  BUT YAY SUN!

I especially loved this color in the shade - check out how the bottle almost looks like there's some pink in there near the logo!  Very vibrant color.

Finally indoors with the flash.  This was definitely a lovely surprise color for me to check out and I would totally buy it again.

FingerPaints can be found in Sally's Beauty Supplies stores and online for $4.99 USD each.  They are a Sally's Beauty Supply exclusive brand, so you can follow Sally's on Twitter and like them on Facebook as well as follow their blog.

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

Nicole by OPI Never Give Up

The final color from the Nicole ♥ Walmart collection is Never Give Up, a "persistent plum."  However, I found it to be more of a plummy red with lots of rainbow micro-glitter.  You can see a bit of it at the bottom of the bottle.  This color hated being photographed - go figure.  Doesn't help that I had a cloudy day.

I used a base of Seche Natural, 2 coats of Never Give Up and a top of Seche Vite.  The formula was nice despite not getting a lot of the rainbow glitter that I love so much.

Boo shade.

Boo clouds!

Indoors with the flash - look at all that glitter at the bottom!

A 6500K Natural Lightbulb was used for this picture... you can finally see that glitter but it's very ... well... micro.  Still a lovely color, just not what I hoped for.

Speaking of not what I hoped for - check out what the press image was for this.
I'm glad it wasn't this purple - because I seem to have a lot of this shade of purple.  The rainbow micro-glitter was a nice surprise!

Nicole by OPI is available beginning at ULTA, Meijer, Harmon, HEB, Sears, Wal-Mart and more for around $8 a bottle.  For more information, visit their websitefollow Nicole by OPI on Twitter or become a Facebook fan.

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.