Illamasqua Vice

Here's a change of pace - Illamasqua Vice from Theatre of the Nameless.  The coolest part of this collection for me is the rubber/plastic finish, much like ORLY Purple Pleather.  I used a base of Duri Rejuvocate and 2 coats of polish.

I've mentioned this before, but the square cap comes off for a smaller round top.  It's not necessary for painting but some people prefer it over a square top.

Here it is in the sun - nice and rubbery and red.  It's not matte, it's not shiny... love the different finish here!

In the shade, the color is really nice and strong.  The red/purple berry is a great compliment for my skin.

Indoors with the flash is a bit hard on the eyes but not terrible.

Then, because I can't leave things alone, I added a top coat of CND Air Dry.
I don't know if it's a reaction of CND with Illamasqua or just the rubbery finish but check out how weird this turned out!  I left my pinkie alone but the other nails just seem streaky now.

It's a bit better in the shade but still - no bueno.  I will have to try a different top coat next time to see what the difference is.

For those in the States, you can purchase Illamasqua from Sephora [official website] for $14 a bottle.

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

China Glaze Trendsetter

I love China Glaze.  I've loved them ever since I got (back) into nail polish back in mid 2009.  I would own every single color if I could and never buy another brand again.  (Oh yes, I said that.)  But honestly, I hate this color.

Trendsetter is a NYC mustard brown with gold shimmer.  At least, I think this is what NYC mustard looks like.  I'm going off super limited knowledge of one episode of "Girls Next Door" that was on at the gym one night.  This polish was from the fall 2011 Metro collection.

I used a base coat of Duri Rejuvacote, 2 coats of polish and a top of CND Air Dry.  Formula was a little thick on the brush but then would be runny on the nails, so as always, thin coats to win.

This color is definitely darker that OPI Simply Smash-ing and more opaque.  The boyfriend hated this color, and normally he's pretty forgiving and interested in what I'm wearing (even the blues, which I'm always iffy on).

I like this color much more in the shade.  You can see the shimmer, it doesn't completely clash with my skin tone... I'm liking you a little better, Trendsetter.

This is another one of those polishes that doesn't like to be focused on with the flash.  Or I just suck at being still - either way, I apologize for the blurriness.  Indoors with the flash and you can see the shimmer and the unique brown yellow of this polish.  This will probably sit on my shelf for a good long time, I'm telling you right now.

China Glaze can be found online through several etailers, including my favorite Head2Toe Beauty, Sally's Beauty Supply as well as TransDesign.  You can like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

Color Club Artsy Crafty

Lately I've been ridiculously "Artsy Crafty", mostly working on cross-stitch projects but that can be talked about another time.  :] (Or just go to that link to see.)  Today's Color Club is from the Back to Boho Collection and is a dark pine green creme  Formula was good on this.  I used a base of Duri Rejuvacote, 2 coats of polish and a top of CND Air Dry.

Here in the sun you can see that this is a pretty dark and opaque green.  Frankly, I think it's beautifully pigmented but not my style.

You can see how lush it is in the shade as well.  Great for fall or for a base for some nail art or Konad.

Sorry for the slightly blurry indoors with the flash picture.  Not much else to say here.  If you're looking for a good formula, opaque and pigmented dark green creme, look no further!

Color Club is located on several etailers, including Head2Toe Beauty which has it for $3.00.  You can also Like them on Facebook and Follow them on Twitter.

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

Rafflecopter Giveaway!

After all the information that came out in 2011 about bloggers and giveaways, I had partnered with the Beauty Blogger Coalition for my giveaways and that's where I learned about Rafflecopter.

They have gained a lot of popularity and to kick off 2012 & their new version of Rafflecopter, they are having their own giveaway!

The giveaway starts today, 9 January and lasts for one month.  To enter, simply say who referred you [Krystal Seidel]

Please note that this giveaway is open to legal residents of the US and to Canadians age 13+.

One winner will receive an iPad2 (Wifi, 16 gig)
One winner will receive an Amazon Kindle Fire

If you win, and listed that I referred you, I will also win a Kindle Fire.  (Sweet!)  Good luck!

Naked Nails

So I like to go at least once a month to have my nails shaped and my cuticles removed.  It's relaxing for me, and I know I'm in good hands (hah!)

I took these pictures before I went in December - I've been using Duri Rejuvacote every day and am shocked at how long my nails grew!  I don't notice any extra strength in them, but the length has been great!

You see my left hand all the time, but I also have my *dun dun dun!* right hand!

Boo awkward hand position.

I do hate how thin my nails are and yes I have loads of ridges, but keep your nails free of stains by always using a base coat before you polish your nails.  :]