#31DC2013 Day 1: Red Nails

Let me start by saying I got overambitious.

The first of the #31DC2013 is "Red Nails." I was thinking "Hey, I'll be cool - just paint my nails red." I'm still weaning into nail art, trying to stay cool about it all. But then I just got overly excited and was like "DO ALL THINGS."

I started with a base of Cult Nails Get It On. I always wear base coat, even if I'm wearing nothing else that day.  It helps protect my nails and they always look healthy.  (Note I said look, hah.)

Then I put on one coat of Layla Softouch 7 Queen Bourdeaux. This is a lovely firey red that dries to a matte look but as with all Layla Softouch polishes, a top coat will not make it shiny.

But then I was like - I need nail art. I grabbed my striping tape and made a couple of lines, and then a couple more and was like "HAH I made a hashtag."  I painted over my nail with Zoya Bobbi and then pulled the tape off.

Mistake #1: Not waiting long enough to pull the tape off.

So a little came off with the tape and then I realize my hashtag was off centered of the nail.  I used my top coat from Digital Nails hilariously nailed "Ain't Nobody Got Time For That" and looked back at my hands and said...


Back when I was really interested in making a custom rhinestone iPod case (ahem), I figured out that I could buy tons of rhinestones super cheap on eBay. So I did. And they have sat on my desk ever since.  I have literally only used them once

So back to the beginning. I got overambitious.  I also am using my really big DSLR to take photos, and since I haven't been blogging lately, it felt really bulky in my hands and then I couldn't get the right lighting.

Have you figured out that I'm stalling before showing you pictures? Then again, most people skip the writing and go straight FOR the pictures so without any more rambling.

Day 1.

Ta da. Or something. Well - challenges are all about improvement, so here's to improvement!

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

#31DC2013 by Chalkboard Nails

Over the years, I have been inspired by, but never participated in, a 31/30 Day Challenge. This is where someone has created an editorial calendar for you to follow and it's been fun to watch different bloggers take their own spin on the challenge, whether it's creatively or through their inspirations or heck, it's just pretty.

In 2011, Chalkboard Nails and other nail enthusiasts participating in a 31 Day Challenge and she had so much fun that she repeated the challenge in 2012. (See her 2011 and 2012 round up posts.) Well, when you're successful at something, you keep it going, am I right?

Starting tomorrow is the #31DC2013 by Chalkboard Nails. You can read all the details on her blog but the gist is follow the image prompt, post on your own social media, blog, whatever, and ENJOY! No real rules, you can post more than one per day, just have fun with it.

She has coined #31DC2013 so that you can search for all contributions - since Instagram, Facebook and Twitter all support hashtag searching, be sure to include it with your manicure.

I love the idea of trying this for my first nail challenge. Chalkboard Nails is super inspiring, both in her blogging and her blogging etiquette. (Yes, I did love her Twitter image so much that I was working on redoing my own Twitter icon but I haven't nearly gotten the time to finish it.)

Seche Takes Chances

The final lacquer in the Bright and Bold Summer 2013 is Takes Chances, a purple creme that is opaque and highly pigmented in one coat. I used a base of Seche Natural, 1 coat of polish, and a top of Seche Vite.  The purple isn't quite Barney, but definitely isn't light enough to be a lavender - it's just kind of in the middle. It's a little darker than Zoya Remove+ (now that I'm thinking about purples).

So in the sun, I'm learning that this is another ridge filling nightmare polish. If you have ridges, well - this color may not be for you.

Haha just kidding - use a ridge filler instead. Here in the shade, you can see it almost turns into a blurple, but not fully.

Finally indoors with the sunlight streaming through - pretty, opaque, and purple.  Great for stamping too - but I didn't do any. Look for some nail art soon though!

Seche [Website | Facebook | Twitter] Nail Lacquer is available at professional beauty supply stores, select etailers and Ulta online. Price ranges from $4 to $7.50 depending on retailer. 

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

butter LONDON Royals Collection

So just yesterday I was telling you how much I loooove purple. So imagine how excited I was to hear that butter LONDON had this cute little collection of purples to celebrate the Royal Family!

On top we have Lillibet's Jubilee, a silver lavender foil metallic, on its side is Pitter Patter, an opaque, aubergine shimmer and finally on the right is No More Waity, Katie, a semi-sheer, greige lilac jelly glitter.

The three piece is available for $39 and is still available at Ulta.com and on the butter LONDON website

Seche Not Easily Swept Away

If you've been following PolishGalore for any period of time, you may have figured out that my favorite color is purple. So you can only imagine that when I saw this lovely lavender, Not Easily Swept Away, I was jumping for joy. But not every polish can be a winner.

I used a base coat of Seche Natural, 1 coat of polish and a top of Seche Vite.

Now the polish itself was lovely - highly pigmented and opaque but mother of pearl, those ridges! I need to wear a ridge filler with this polish and I don't know why. The rest of this collection didn't do me this way. I was a sad panda.

The shade is a little better - not as much ridge shame but blah!  Okay, so I'm not totally in love with the shade of lavender - it's much lighter than I'd prefer but still lovely.

Finally indoors - more ridges. Yikes. Definitely wear a ridge filler next time - or else your little secret is on display like no tomorrow.  Kinda like Miley's backside at the VMA's this year. 

Seche [Website | Facebook | Twitter] Nail Lacquer is available at professional beauty supply stores, select etailers and Ulta online. Price ranges from $4 to $7.50 depending on retailer. 

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.