Morgan Taylor Me, Myself-ie and I

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Happy Valentine's Day! I don't really celebrate this holiday much... the only one I remember is 2007 because my oldest was only 4 days old at the time and I was just so in love with my little guy. Past that, this is really just another day for me and maybe I'll get some Reeses Peanut Butter Hearts (my favorite!).

Pretty & Polished Weather The Storm

Nothing To Disclose

Last month, I donated 20 pounds of nail polish to my local cosmetology school and it was a great feeling to both clear out my shelves and provide product to students. The teacher was overwhelmed - she thought I was just bringing a couple and had a makeup train ready to put them in so when I brought in two big bags, she didn't know what to do. I plan on making another donation soon so I'm going through all the random places I have polish here at the house and getting things ready for either permanent placement in my home or being donated somewhere.

Morgan Taylor Put A Wing On It

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In my day job with the Navy, I end up interacting with some really amazing people - one of them being the editor of our local newspaper. He has a great dry wit and there was a time where we were talking about something that he said "What is happening" in a really dry sarcastic way and it really stuck with me. Well today is a "What is happening" with the polish that I decided to pull out of a box that's been sitting next to my desk.

Contrary Polish The Boulevard

Nothing To Disclose

So for now, I think I'm going to be showcasing 2 indies and 2 mainstream polishes a week. I think that's a pretty decent balance as I'm going through my Purge and just my collection in general. It also helps keep me motivated because I have so many pros and cons when it comes to indies and when it comes to mainstreams. Mondays are still currently a toss up. I have #MakeupMonday or sometimes I just want to throw in another polish or nail treatment... What are your thoughts on that?

LVX Coquillage

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I feel like I'm finally getting back into the groove of blogging. Granted, I'm doing a lot of it during the night hours when I should be sleeping but hey, who needs sleep?