Cupcake Polish San Antonio Shuffle

Nothing To Disclose

Texas is huge but when I heard the Indie Shop was going to be in San Antonio in October 2017, I was super stoked. That's only about a 2.5 hour drive north of me so I packed up the car and drove up. One of the exclusives from Cupcake Polish was called San Antonio Shuffle and it was a purple/blue polish with blue shimmer and subtle holo. I snatched it up.

le Polish Be (Polish) Confident

Nothing To Disclose

Back in 2017 at PolishCon NYC, I really made an effort to buy polish from all the vendors especially ones that I didn't know. le Polish was selling Be (Polish) Confident, a dusty purple shimmer. Your eyes aren't broken, my label was double printed and missing the name of the brand.

Different dimension Stunning

Press Sample

Awhile back, I got this awesome care package from Different Dimension and included inside was Stunning, a purple based polish with red to green aurora shimmer. So the aurora shift is apparent in the bottle but did it show up on my nails?

Morgan Taylor Best Face Forward

Press Sample

The finale in the Morgan Taylor Selfie Summer 2017 collection is Best Face Forward, a neon purple with blue shimmer. This polish needed some good shaking because the neon was getting a little thick but check this out.

Morgan Taylor No Filter Needed

Press Sample

TGIF! Today I decided to use the blue neon from the Summer 2017 Selfie collection from Morgan Taylor called No Filter Needed. This blue is leaning into turquoise but less green and is actually super flattering.