duri Fire

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I haven't been following the trends lately, but I feel like metallics are coming back with a vengeance. Today I decided to pull out duri Fire, a bold orange metallic that is sparkly like the sun.

duri Social Bubble

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Trying to finish up all these duri polishes on my desk and today I'm pulling another red - Social Bubble. This is a burgundy red microglitter in an opaque red base.

Blue and Gold Nails

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HOW do people use their iPhones for amazing photos? Because y'all - I can't figure it out. I got a hohem iSteady X for Christmas and I haven't had the energy to open it but I did today because well, I did these nails on Wednesday of last week and so my grow out is - well, you can see it.

China Glaze Buffalo Bills, Bills, Bills

Somehow I missed one of the Gone West Fall 2019 China Glaze collection polishes in my stash so today I have Buffalo Bills, Bills, Bills. This is a reddish brown with some gold to green shimmer 

duri Humble Brag

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Well January sure snuck up on me! In addition to work, I had a small surgery (things went well!) and we've had lot of delays with the kids' school because of both COVID and weather. It's shaping up to be an interesting year already! One of my goals for 2022 is to get my house cleaned out/organized and since my desk is always full of polish, it's time for another post! Today I chose duri Humble Brag, which is a squishy cherry red.