Cheeky Monkey Staggette

Cheeky Monkey Staggette was the perfect red for me today (although it's called "orange red" on their website) because it's bold, strong, and yes, even gave a hint of jelly (JELLY!).  I used 1 coat of Wet Dream, 2 coats of Staggette, and on my swatching hand - 2 coats of I Like It On Top and then 1 coat of Seche Vite.

Tag love!  I was noticed (kinda) today with this red.  My male co-worker was semi curious as to why I was going outside and practically laying on the pavement taking pictures, so I explained to him about Polish Galore and told him some of the names of Cheeky's polishes and he said "I want to get some for my girl - she's a perv!"  Deal co-worker.  I told him I'd buy a couple of great ones like "Sweet Ass" or "Hot Slut".  I'm actually thinking of buying the whole line, mostly for shock value.

Believe it or not, this is a SHADE picture.  Check that out!  (Well, not my index finger - it's in time out.)  Jelly, red, HOTNESS.

We actually had some beautiful sun.  I love how red this color is.

More sunshiney day pictures - such a great coverage too... no pooling in the cuticles, no streaks, no VNL.

Just beautiful.  Now while I was wearing this, I noticed I think I have a color a LOT like it from China Glaze, and when I swatched them both on a nail wheel, I couldn't really tell which was which.  Are they exact dupes?  Well that will be another post.  ^_^

Cheeky Monkey Cosmetics is based out of Canada and you can order right from their website [official website].

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

Cheeky Monkey Wet Dream & I Like It On Top

Included in my bag of treats from Cheeky Monkey Cosmetics [official website] was their sticky base coat Wet Dream and their shiny shine top coat I Like It On Top.  Even though they are definitely colored in the bottle, they both go on the nail clear.

Wet Dream says on the bottle to shake gentle and apply 2 coats, but I forgot and only used one coat.  The bottle has a nice wide brush for complete nail coverage.  Additionally, all of Cheeky Monkey bottles comes with a small tag on each bottle with a great note inside.  Here was Wet Dream's tag (although I don't think they are specific to each bottle, not sure on that one).

Seriously, just something to make you smile a bit, and I did.  Oh yes, I did.  ^_^

Like Wet Dream, I Like It On Top also says to shake gently and apply 2 coats.  Now, you know that I'm complete spoiled by Seche Vite, but I had to try this out.  Also, you can see that my bottle has a bit missing from it - it arrived that way, but I didn't see any spilling or leakage in the box.  All the other bottles were completely full, and I know Cheeky Monkey is a small company, but I don't know where or how they fill their bottles.  Honestly, not that big of a deal to me, but it was noticeable, especially in the first shot.

Don't forget the tag!

Now, this is the hard part.  I had to wait.  And wait.  And wait.  I waited 15 minutes after the second coat and then brought the nail to my lips to see if it would leave lip prints.  Instead, my lip dragged on past, so I thought I was in the clear.  I then touched my index nail with my finger tip and BAM, finger print.  Yes, the top coat was not fully dry.  This is when my impatience got the best of me and I pulled out my Seche Vite and added one coat of it and within 3 minutes, my nails were hard and slick.  I must say though, I really did like Wet Dream and I think if I had more patience, I'd really like I Like It On Top as well.

Cheeky Monkey Cosmetics is based out of Canada and you can order right from their website [official website].

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

Cheeky Monkey Cosmetics Preview

The ridiculously awesome team from Cheeky Monkey sent me this freaking rocking package of polishes for review, and let me tell you, AMAZING things come to those who wait.  I caught A on her trip to Florida and we BSed a bit about kids (kids, man - my little boy just turned 3 last month) and let's just say I wanted to go grab a margarita and "People Watch" with her.  I have the biggest heart (and soft spot) for small businesses, I guess because my parents have always owned their own business (construction and real estate).  I love helping others out - it's just in my nature.  (We won't talk about the business that I helped create a lot of PR items for, in exchange for food - let's say I ate REALLY well for a year.)

Anywho, I know there are a few reviews out there already on the polish and I must agree that the packaging MUST be noted.  Inside that plain (probably U-line!) brown box was this dolled up bag, tissue paper and all!  But what really made my day (and I had a crappy one) was the sticker on the front

Anytime I can get away with saying F'N, I'm a happy camper.

Pretty pink ribbon with their website - love my cat haired couch arm?

Open the bag (polka dotted and pink tissue paper) and I had this pretty box of polish!

YEAH, another sticker, more ribbon, a nail file and some business cards ^_^

Sneak peek at the polish (I was too excited to really take pictures, I've already put a color on but you'll have to wait for the official swatching post)

 Bite Me (medium pink), Staggette (orange red) , Hangover (mouse's back), Raunchy Bitch (dark metallic blue), Wet Dream (sticky base coat), I Like It On Top (shiny shine topcoat).

Cheeky Monkey Cosmetics is based out of Canada and you can order right from their website [official website] and are starting to infiltrate the US as well.  The awesome polish names, the Italian glass bottles (!), the adorable black tags on each bottle with their own unique message - yeah this is what polish should be about - fun and love.

Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me by the company for consideration.  For more information, please read this post.

Color Club Ultra Violet

I've only seen Color Club [official website] on blogs, never in person but after checking out Scrangie's post on Ultra Violet [link to Scrangie's post] I wanted it badly.

Oddly enough, this is a neon, although I didn't know it.  It's a light purple that had an awesome blue shimmer to it.  I enjoyed looking at my hands in the bright light (not the sun, today was a RAIN day again) but then I was done.  This was a super sheer for me.  I used 3 coats and probably should have gone 4 since I had a bit of VNL especially on my middle fingers.  The other thing that irritates me is that Scrangie's posts CLEARLY shows a PURPLE.  My bottle is definitely more pink than purple.  Bad color run?  I don't know just yet.  Polish or Perish [link to PoP's post], Kris Primps [link to KP's post], and Polish Me Happy [link to PMH's post] all look like mine, so what happened?!  Arg.

I got my camera to actually behave!  Turns out, I have this "program" option where I can manually change my lighting source.  /rolls eyes.  Little background: I have a degree in TV and currently work for a local station.  You'd THINK I'd know how to do this but I just got all kinds of confused with my little P-S camera (point and shoot) since I lost the stupid manual.

These pictures aren't very clear though because I took them in the studio after a VERY long day of work and I was Ms. Crankypants.

And a flash to see the shimmer - and I guess I see a bit of the neon here.  I used a base coat of Seche Natural and a top coat of Seche Vite.  Despite my Seche Vite, this polish liked to chip on me quite a bit today, but again I had a long icky day, so that may not have helped.

Color Club is located on several etailers, including Head2Toe Beauty which has it for $3.00.  You can also Like them on Facebook and Follow them on Twitter.

Polish Bloggers Network: Lacquer Link Love 3/5/10

Tuli's Nails shares her festivities during Purim with us and creates a colorful manicure that's perfect for the celebration.

Chromatic Misadventures brings us a host of Models Own swatches this week in an array of colors

Phresh Mentality found a little inspiration in Rihanna's Rude Boy video for the phresh design she's brought us this week.

Have nail issues or questions you'd like to discuss with a nail specialist? Well get your questions ready because polishSWATCHES is starting a new blog series called "Nail Talk"... with celebrity manicurist Tashina, from Poochiez Nail Studio in Atlanta. Submit your questions by using the contact form at the top of the blog page.

Polishg the Nails shows off Adore from China Glaze. Have you ever seen this color from the 2009 Romantique collection?

Naive Nails channels the orient to bring us a a very pretty konadicure she's called the Jaded Tiger.

The Swatchaholic was able to get her hands on the Essence Cute as Hell collection and brings us some wonderful swatches of all the pretty pastel colors.

Travel with Euridice is sharing a Color Club Color that you absolutely have to get your hands on this spring. Or should I say on your hands?! :)

Polish Galore is showing off some hologram goodness. Hint: This color is sure to have you LOL. ;) <- That's me!

Manicure Mommas shed a little light on the new fun and quirky polish brand called Cheeky Monkey.

and Polish Freak is showing off a color that has set the polish world on fire.

Helen's Nice Things wants you to know they have a brand spanking new site AND a new web address at.... Just Nice Things! So have a visit and change your blogrolls accordingly from; to

And now.....Giveaways!!!
Check out...
The Konadomania Giveaway in honor of her gaining 100 blog followers
The Chromatic Misadventures Giveaway in honor of her gaining 300 blog followers
Congratulations Ladies!!!