Crabtree & Evelyn's Nail Lacquer

Last year, I wrote about Crabtree & Evelyn's hand soap (which is still, by far, the best hand soap ever) and now I have their nail polish to talk about!

Mischo Beauty Nail Polish

All images provided by Mischo Beauty

Another brand that launched in 2013 was Mischo Beauty by chemist-cosmetologist Kitiya King on November 1st. Her first collection "Fall 2013" is a homage to Fashion Week.

KBShimmer Fall 2013 Press Release

All images provided by KBShimmer
Last year, I fell off the blogging wagon. Surgeries, sickness, my mom's passing... there was a lot. But now I'm determined to make 2014 my year so to start, I'm going to work on this backlog of emails that I have and share the wealth. I'm waiting for daylight savings time to start again so I have more hours of daylight but I will work on swatches when I can.

A good place to start would be talking about the KBShimmer Fall polishes. I do have two of these in my stash that I will be able to show you.

PolishGalore is on work/play/polish!

Press Sample

Happy New Year! I'm excited for 2014 - I have some new blogging goals and fun stuff coming up this year starting with my participation in the Blogging for a Cause series over at work/play/polish.

Photo Credit: work/play/polish Instagram
(l to r: PolishGalore, Beauty Judy, Jesse from Jesse's Girl Cosmetics, work/play/polish)

You'll have to visit wpp to see the full manicure and read more about how I found out about Polished Girlz, an organization that I highly encourage you take a second look at. My goal this year is to donate quarterly, mostly monetarily, because polish is something that I love and I want to share the love back.

Hobby Polish Bloggers Winter Giveaway 2013!

Another giveaway?! You know it! This one is slightly different, one winner will get a $200 gift card to their choice of Llarowe, Ninja Polish or Harlow & Company (or the option to have a one time PayPal transfer of the money), and two more winners get the same but $100 each! Ends at midnight on 12.31.2013, CST.

The Hobby Polish Bloggers are having their second multi-blogger giveaway! To enter, please allow the Rafflecopter widget to load below. All Terms and Conditions may also be found in the widget. Please visit the following Hobby Polish Bloggers members who are bringing this to you! You may enter using Rafflecopter from any of the below blogs but your entry will only count one time. You may, however, tweet about the giveaway (the last option) once a day for the duration of the giveaway.

Hobby Polish Bloggers
A far from perfect mom
Be Happy and Buy Polish
I Feel Polished
Imperfectly Painted
Jen Likes Polish (and some other things)
Love. Varnish, chocolate and more...
Lucy's Stash
Lustrous Lacquer
manicure addict
Pamper with Polish
polish insomniac
Polish Obsession
Polished and Glittered
pretty tough nails
Refined & Polished
The Dalai Lama's Nails
The Mercurial Magpie
The Sparkling Hoard
TrailerHood Chic

a Rafflecopter giveaway