China Glaze Buffalo Bills, Bills, Bills

Somehow I missed one of the Gone West Fall 2019 China Glaze collection polishes in my stash so today I have Buffalo Bills, Bills, Bills. This is a reddish brown with some gold to green shimmer 

duri Humble Brag

Press Sample

Well January sure snuck up on me! In addition to work, I had a small surgery (things went well!) and we've had lot of delays with the kids' school because of both COVID and weather. It's shaping up to be an interesting year already! One of my goals for 2022 is to get my house cleaned out/organized and since my desk is always full of polish, it's time for another post! Today I chose duri Humble Brag, which is a squishy cherry red.

duri Slay

Press Sample

I love December and all the nail polish options that are out there. Are you a traditional red and white? How about some green? Blues and silvers? Maybe a silver and gold? LOTS OF HOLO. I have been staring at my polish for awhile and decided today was a day for duri Slay, a classic burgundy creme.

duri Big Ego

Press Sample

I was recently talking to a friend about duri products and I've had three bottles here on my desk just dying to be worn. Today I have duri Big Ego, a hot pink polish with silver microglitter.

ILNP Tombstone

Nothing To Disclose

There have been a few brands over the years that I absolutely obsess over and want to own every single color that's released. ILNP is one of those brands and they consistently put out winners. Today I have Tombstone from their Haunted Collection 2021. This is a bone grey with copper metallic flakes and scattered holographic glitter.